1. Look at the image (object/sign/picture/painting/sculpture) and describe what is happening? What initial information does it provide you with?
Look at this video I made last year(2009). Or just at this image.

Describe what it is that you see?
What can you tell me about the image?
What is happening?
What emotion if any, can you perceive from the image?
How can you relate to this specific emotion?
GOING A LITTLE DEEPERWhat can you tell me about the image?
What is happening?
What emotion if any, can you perceive from the image?
How can you relate to this specific emotion?
1) As you look at this image, think about what could have possibly happened before this moment was captured....take an account of the things that could have possibly happened before the situation became so tense.
2) Based on any prior experiences that you have had personally, after viewing something that has captured your attention... Do you tend to forget about it ten to fifteen minutes later or will this moment in time as it is experienced, stay with you longer? Why is that?
I see a face looking at something with fright and terror in his eyes, holding a box of popcorn. The image tells me that the face is scared and in shock but for some reason drawn in to what ever they are looking at. So why do people love horror/terror films. Why do we love to be frightened?
ReplyDeleteOne reason could be that it 1) takes them out of their comfort zone and in that moment they are left to stay and confront that fear that the main character is in fact taking on in the movie. 2) the story becomes a mystery, and who can resist a mystery with the hint of terror added to it. It draws you in or otherwise your left wondering what's going to happen next. Crazy right?
ReplyDeleteWhat i like about this image is that it is able to relate to an emotion that me and everyone else at one point in time have felt. It shows a state of fright and terror. You get the impression that it is watching a movie, eating popcorn, and something occured in the movie that frightened the face. I love how the face is frightened yet still has its eyes open to keep watching what it is scared of. We have all been in that state of mind before and I like it how it relates to everyone. Courtney Knuth - Art Appreciation
ReplyDeleteI see a circular smily face with popcorn in his left hand indicating that he is at a movie. The emotion i perceive is shocked or stunned by something drastic happening on a movie screen. I can relate to this emotion by just talking about any scary movie with a twist.
ReplyDeleteI see an face that is scared by what it has seen. It looks like he is still wanting to see what else happens beacause the face is eating popcorn and is tryin to watch all of what he is watching.....
ReplyDeleteName: Dustin Gant
when looking at this image I see a face that is terrified buy some movie. Also the tear flying from the face resembles some sort of fright. By the consumption about being frightened the hands steadily in the popcorn can relate to some nervousness.
ReplyDeleteBRANDON WHITTLE ART 1300.001
Do you think there is a correlation between the character still having the popcorn in their hand and the relative comfort zone?
ReplyDeleteClint Lorance
Art 1300.001
Clint you make a good point about the popcorn...It could speak to the fact that we all cope differently... One friend of mine would always wear sandals to the movie and would then remove her sandals and put on a pair of comfy socks. She said she did this because she wanted to stay warm and she felt more like she was at home instead of the movie theater. She felt that if she could take off her shoes and have on a pair of socks to warm her feet it was the closet thing to feeling like she was at home. In this instance it had a lot to do with comfort.
ReplyDeleteStefan Newman
ReplyDeleteArt 1300
I think we remember longer the times where we are more impacted by something we see. Generally, women are more likely to remember their dreams because they are more emotionally affected by them and also when you watch a scary movie the moments that creep you out the most are what is most likely to be replayed in your mind over and over after you are done with the movie.
Rebekah Ryan
ReplyDeleteArt 1300
It is a face that is scared and in anticipation. The face is watching a scary or thrilling movie. I was in this same situation when my boyfriend and I saw Nightmare on Elm Street last Thursday, except instead of popcorn it was his arm. In my case, I remember the movie, but as of now, almost a week later, I don't remember the certain instances of the movie that made me so tense. I'm just glad I didn't watch the movie alone.
Another thing I thought was interesting that was commented on before was that the faces eyes are still open. When I watch a scary movie, I always keep my eyes open but sometimes I plug my ears. Once the thrilling music is taken away the visuals, to me, aren't nearly as frightening.
In the image I see a cartoon-style face of a person looking worried and eating popcorn.The person is reaching for the popcorn, but does not seem to be paying attention to it. Rather, they are looking at something (the viewer, but I assume there is a suggested other object that they would be looking at). They are frowning, their eyes are wide, their eyebrows are raised and quizzical, and they are sweating. The emotions conveyed by these are anxiety, worry, surprise, attention, and confusion. I can relate to the image because it has a similar feel to emoticons used in instant messengers that reminds me of a quick image that would go along with text.
ReplyDeleteBefore the moment was captured, I suspect that the person is watching a movie or television or maybe even a theater performance. They are at a suspenseful moment and are very flustered about what is going to happen. Either that or they are surprised and maybe even disgusted as something that they have already seen and are now stunned.
I think I would be able to recognize the image if shown it again, but I would not be able to remember it to such a degree that I would be able to reproduce it. Maybe I would be able to sketch an idea of what it was like, but it would probably be inaccurate. I think that part of the reason why I would not remember the experience very well is that I am conditioned to seeing many images and ideas quickly and have grown accustomed to not remembering all of them. If I study and image, for example if I drew this image while looking at it, then I would be able to remember it quite well.
It is interesting how the video mentions many of the things I discussed or thought and that something I have never seen before is so universally recognized.
Oh wow, that smiley face if on the edge of his seat! That must be one scary movie he's watching. Personally, i tend to forget about scary movies after I see them, I don't really know why though.
ReplyDeleteEmily Edwards
ART 1300
I see what usually goes on in a moview theatre, you get caught up in the action. Here i see that the face is anticipating what is aout to happen as well as showing some reaction to the increasing suspense. This image looks to me as if the face was watching a scarry/horror or some sort of action/thriller movie. There are some movies in which the setting of the actions make the sene a more relatable one, and it is in these movies that you began to put yourself in the characters' shoes and question how things would be like if it were you in real life. Those moments are the ones that you tend to keep with you, like a lesson learned. So this picture had more of a feeling of the type of movie that would have such effect on the viewr, not much of a scarry movie.
ReplyDeleteI see a happy face, except it is not happy. Its raised eyebrows and frightened expression tell me that it is going through a moment of great anxiety, yet it is able to neutralize that feeling by eating popcorn, because it's probaby watching a movie.
ReplyDeleteViridiana Berumen
ART 1300.001
The emoticon in the image looks frightened, while holding a container of popcorn, meant to imply that he is watching a movie. It has obviously drawn him in as his eyes are fixed, and his hand is jabbed into the popcorn. I feel that it depends on the subject matter as to whether or not something I see that catches my attention stays with me. More often than not, I forget what I have seen, but some things, such as things that catch my attention that I perhaps already have some interest in, are more likely to stay with me.
ReplyDeleteHannah Clark
Art 1300
Personally, I think of this image more of a concept than literally an image just involved with watching a movie. I think it symbolizes the concept of spectating which is illustrated through the common practice of watching a movie. As a spectator, one is taking a 3rd person perspective on an event where the actions do not physically affect them. However, the spectator can become emotionally effected which at times is worse due to their inability to dictate the events themselves and the fact that since they aren't directly involved their guard is down, leaving them more vunerable emotionally. These factors cause them to feel surprised and helpless due to the lack of control which increases anxiety.
ReplyDeleteEric D'Aguanno ART 1300.001
Zhi Chen art 1300 .001
ReplyDeleteI saw a worring face, and there is a box of popcron in his hand.
I think he is worried about someone will steal his popcorn. So he use one hand to protect his popcorn.
If I were to walk in a theater and I didn't know what the movie was about and I saw someone that had the same facial features as the emoticon, I would be able to tell very quickly that the movie was a scary one. Because of his wide eyes, gaping mouth, and sweating, I can tell that this poor guy is both very scared and interested in the movie. He shows his level of interest when he doesn't even look down to grab his popcorn. He is so focused on the movie that he can't unglue his eyes from the screen for even a second to grab his popcorn.
ReplyDeleteI think it's amazing how we can perceive the emotions of this charater just by looking at a still cartoon. Just the simple expressions of wide eyes, eybrows raised, mouth wide open, helps us infer that the cartoon is afraid. Sepparately, the popcorn symbolizes that the cartoon is watching a movie. Combined, we know that the cartoon is watching a scarey movie...interesting :)
ReplyDeleteI really like this image and I think we can all relate. Some of us love scary movies and others of us only have seen one scary movie and decided at that time that we did not want to watch another one ever again. I also like that the character is completely opposite of me. I love scary movies but I close my eyes at the scary parts or what I think is going to be scary by listening to the music. It drives my boyfriend crazy. And any movie is not as good without popcorn.
ReplyDeleteStephanie Houser
Art 1300