Friday, March 19, 2010


To my readers:
My studies in graduate school at UNT Denton in museum education has been focused on the research of the constructivist learning theory that supports concepts of visual literacy and visual thinking strategies. The concepts of visual literacy, being able to read images for meaning, allows museum visitors to learn critical thinking skills that would enable higher order thinking, including interpretation and evaluation. I believe that it requires visitors to read, share and converse together in front of works of art and broaden each other's knowledge about the work and about the world. My belief is that the art museum plays a considerable role of such learning. I invite you to share your opinions about visual literacy through the posting comments...enjoy.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This is true. One may look at a piece of artwork, let's say a painting, and formulate an opinion, then someone else may view it and express a COMPLETELY different opinion that re-shapes your own.

  3. Exactly! Our own experiences shape our ideas. It gives us a chance to learn and influence others. I like to call this process 'Visual Think'.

  4. My name is Angela Houters and I am commenting for the extra credit opportunity in Art Appreciation.
    I find your studying of visual literacy to be very interesting. The subject is something I would have never thought to provide a name for, but now that it has been presented to me, it appears to me to be an incredibly important aspect of art as a viewer.
    It is easy to see a piece of art and feel a certain way, but it is much more interesting to find the reason why one might feel that way.
    It is even more interesting to take the study of visual literacy and apply in to understanding how others might react to the same piece.
    The subject is very interesting.

  5. You are right in that aspect Angela, you can only expect to get different points of view because each person brings their own life experiences to develop meaning about a work of art. In this way the viewer is able to also relate to the work when they are able to find a connection to the work.

  6. Hello Im Allison Cook repsonding for the extra credit in Art Appreciation.
    Your study is interesting to me because you go through visual literacy in everyday life without even noticing sometimes. Seeing different buildings and land and photos that bring about meaning and interpretation, and people would have a different understanding of the same image. For example if you and your friends drove by Mcdonalds or just seen an photo of the golden arches, one person my think of there yummy burgers and fries and another my get this sick feeling in their stomach because they didnt feel so good after the last time he/she ate one of mcdonalds burgers. Hope your studies go well and u are able to achieve what u want
